Ajax Systems’ COVID-19 Response

Today we are faced with a tough and unstable situation. Suddenly many have found themselves isolated, and from now on, our one desire is to beat the virus and recover to regular life.
The security industry is confronting significant challenges. And with this letter, we are speaking openly about measures we are taking to protect our employees’ and partners’ interests.
Employee Safety
Ukraine has implemented strict preventive measures to avoid pandemic inside the country. In turn, we are testing remote work mode for some back-office teams, organize transportation for employees who are involved in production and development processes support on-site.
All employees are passing one temperature screening when entering the building, and another one during the working time.
At production sites, we’ve implemented regular quartzing, additional cleaning, and sterilization of contact surfaces. We also have arranged a shift schedule, as well as have split employees by groups and separate zones.
The hardware production is proceeding as planned; all the partners’ orders will be fully completed. We have enough supplies to produce devices in the future. The company was preparing for an extensive growth, so we’ve stocked a lot of components and now they support us in the circumstances of limited supply from China. At the same time, we see that China is renewing its business activities, which allows us to continue the replenishment of our warehouses.
Delivery depends on the requirements that will be adopted by both the government of Ukraine and the EU countries. So far, cargo transportation is not subject to quarantine measures. We hope for your understanding because of potential delays at the borders: up to 7 days according to preliminary estimates.
The situation can change both for better and for worse. We are keeping abreast of the situation and will immediately inform you of all the changes.
It’s difficult for all of us to work in uncertainty, but any planning is our lifeline in crisis. Working together, we can plan the preliminary volume and business directions for the next several months. This way, we’ll be able to maintain the balance of our companies taking the ever-changing realities into account.
Protection and possibilities
Today, control and total victory over the virus became the number one priority for the entire humanity. But at the same time, we must not stop doing what we know best: produce the products of even higher quality; propose relevant solutions; discover new markets and opportunities; deliver shipments to our partners and release the new services & products to the end users who strongly support us.
We do not stop the production and development of new products. We continue our marketing activities, where they still make sense. Thus, once we’re all back on the streets, Ajax Systems will be the company that meets any needs of the reborn market.
What’s next?
Ajax Systems is a structured and well-coordinated business. Control and security are encoded in the DNA of our company.
Your immediate feedback and coherent work will only confirm the commitment to our mutual goals and will lead towards close cooperation in the name of global security.
Should you have any difficulties with the availability of our products please contact your Ajax manager. All our managers are always in touch and online.
To help beat the virus, we’re planning to continue our financial support of the local medical institutions as well as support hospitals with the necessary materials and advanced equipment for artificial lungs ventilation. We’re intensely grateful to medical personnel for their commitment that prevents the spread of the virus in the world.
We hope that this pandemic will be over soon and will leave a mark only in the history books. Protect yourself, your family, and peers.