Ajax Systems partners with Watchman Door to improve your home and office security

Ajax Systems announces integration with products from Watchman Door, a leading Spanish manufacturer of innovative security systems. Watchman Door offers security and access control solutions for smart homes.
Introducing wBolt, the first smart lock integrated with a security alarm, a new level of protection to be part of the Ajax ecosystem.
What to know about wBolt
- It is an invisible BLE rim lock that can be open manually.
- Equipped with an adjustable siren and vibration sensor. Supports connection via wBridge.
- wBolt is integrated with an Ajax system. Close or open the lock the moment you arm or disarm the security system.
wBolt represents the evolution of the traditional lock. As a result, you receive more secure doors and ability to control your lock remotely when arming your Ajax system.
A Cloud technology solution
This solution was made possible by integrating the cloud servers of both partners, Ajax Systems and Watchman Door. This way, both systems share information from the companies’ equipment, but Ajax communications protocol Jeweller remains closed to third parties.
The integration with Ajax Systems is a source of great pride for Watchman Door. Ajax Systems is a company we have been following since 2018. Since then, they have become a benchmark in communications, installation, and design in the alarm systems industry. We have started this relationship with wBolt, a proposition that increases the doors’ security level and integrates with Ajax Systems solutions. Before the end of the year, we hope to present our proposal to improve accessibility and, be assured, it will also be very innovative. It is a great honor for us to be able to work with Ajax Systems.Norman Sanchez, Managing Director, Watchman Door