
FireProtect 2 receives BSI Kitemark Certification

FireProtect 2 receives BSI Kitemark Certification

Since its first release in 2022, the FireProtect 2 product series has been booming. Yet another exciting update: FireProtect 2 has now been certified according to BSI Kitemark, UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA), and EU Construction Product Regulation (CPR). It is a significant endorsement for Ajax Systems, as it provides access to retail channels in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The BSI certification body is also recognized worldwide, including in Europe, the Indian Ocean region, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.

Apart from achieving compliance and making FireProtect 2 a fully certified solution in residential fire alarm systems, the BSI Kitemark certification imposes additional requirements such as bi-annual factory production control inspections, quality control standards, and more. Every time Ajax devices get certifications, it proves the company’s commitment to excellence and dedication to manufacturing world-class products. It is important to be certified by industry-leading certification bodies, and with Ajax Systems' international list of certifications, the company has gained the trust of fire consultants, authorities, and insurers globally.

Obtaining the BSI Kitemark, UKCA, and EU CPR certification provides us with further access to international residential fire and life safety markets, and expands customers' global reach. Our partnership with the British Standards Institution (BSI, UK Approved Body) has also delivered the UKCA product certification to the new UK Government requirements for England, Wales, and Scotland. The new GB construction product legislation is planned to take effect from the 30th of June 2025.

Paul Pope

Global Head of Fire & Life Safety Business at Ajax Systems and board member of the FIA

The whole certification process was conducted by the British Standards Institution (BSI), a trusted international company that provides quality assurance, testing, and certification services. With laboratories accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service, BSI covers a wide range of product areas and has one of the widest testing and certification capabilities in the world. It guarantees reliability in what Ajax Systems offers.

Obtaining BSI certification is a rigorous process that demands product quality and adherence to stringent industry standards. Ajax demonstrated a strong commitment to safety and innovation throughout the certification process. Their team actively engaged with our experts, addressing feedback promptly and effectively.

Robert Hearty

Global Commercial and Technical Manager, British Standards Institution (BSI)

What is BSI Kitemark certification

BSI Kitemark is a product quality certification mark owned and operated by the British Standards Institution. It is not only the major industry standard for the UK fire safety market but is also recognized worldwide as an independent certification of conformance to specific requirements. Having a Kitemark shows that the product has undergone rigorous testing and meets strict requirements for performance and safety.

The FireProtect 2 detectors successfully passed all tests and received Kitemark certification, demonstrating that users can trust and have confidence in Ajax fire products. Moreover, the product must undergo regular revalidation to ensure ongoing compliance. FireProtect 2 will undergo audits at the BSI — Ajax Systems will send product samples to the laboratory twice per year for product audit tests.

The BSI Kitemark is crucial for demonstrating how serious Ajax Systems is about the quality and reliability of our fire and carbon monoxide alarms. The Kitemark is a prestigious quality mark that shows our products meet the highest safety and performance standards. This certification helps our customers understand that Ajax alarms follow the strictest regulations and are backed by the most reputable certification bodies in the world, giving them peace of mind and confidence in their safety systems.

Sergii Shcherbakov

Fire Team Product Manager at Ajax Systems

Why this certification is vital for Ajax partners and clients

Fire and life safety devices must adhere to specific standards and legislation in every country. Compliance might be mandated by building codes and regulatory authorities. Insurance companies, property owners, and businesses demand products certified by professional Notified and Approved Bodies to protect their facilities, as only certified fire alarm systems can be installed and trusted.

The obtained certification opens legal compliance with the UK standards: Kitemark, UKCA, and CPR. Kitemark confirms that Ajax fire devices meet all these standards and can be used by security and installation companies to participate in tenders, provide services, and cover different projects with Ajax. This assurance extends to potential clients, indicating that the devices they will use are reliable and effective.

What you get with certified Ajax devices

  • Assets safeguard. Backed by one of the most reputable laboratories in the world, receiving certification ultimately solves any questions with recognition in any part of the world. For example, in case of property damage by fire, the affected end user receives compensation from an insurance company.
  • Partners in progress. The BSI certification body is globally recognized and helps product manufacturers to gain access to retail channels worldwide, including the UK, Europe, the Indian Ocean region, and the Middle East. Ajax Systems partners gain more significant advantages when distributing Kitemark-certified products.
  • Consumer trust. A laboratory with a strong reputation and BSI certification affirms the reliability of fire devices — a hallmark of all Ajax products.

Which FireProtect 2 models are tested and certified




Mains-powered with sealed batteries

FireProtect 2 AC (Heat/Smoke/CO) Jeweller

BS EN14604

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark



FireProtect 2 AC (Heat/Smoke) Jeweller

BS EN14604

BSI Kitemark



FireProtect 2 AC (Heat/CO) Jeweller

BS 5446-2

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark

FireProtect 2 AC (Heat) Jeweller

BS 5446-2

BSI Kitemark

FireProtect 2 AC (CO) Jeweller

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark

Sealed batteries

FireProtect 2 SB (Heat/Smoke/CO) Jeweller

BS EN14604

BS 5446-2

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark



FireProtect 2 SB (Heat/Smoke) Jeweller

BS EN14604

BS 5446-2

BSI Kitemark



FireProtect 2 SB (Heat/CO) Jeweller

BS 5446-2

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark

FireProtect 2 SB (Heat) Jeweller

BS 5446-2

BSI Kitemark

FireProtect 2 SB (CO) Jeweller

BS EN 50291-1

BSI Kitemark

Use the BSI Certification and Verification directory to validate and learn more about BSI-issued certificates for Ajax products, or check our Compliance with standards page.